Sensei Johanna Glazer began her martial arts training in 1990 and she earned her first black belt in 1993.
She was promoted to the rank of fifth-degree black belt in Seirenkai Karate in 2019, and fifth-degree black belt in Seirenkai Jujitsu in 2019. Sensei Glazer is a certified instructor of both arts having earned her Instructor Certification and the title of Sensei in 1994 and has been a Chief Instructor in multiple Massachusetts dojo since that time. She has taught numerous women’s self-defense and safety seminars at many schools and universities and has taught Karate and Jujitsu at youth centers. As the founder and chief instructor of the Concord-Carlisle Adult Education Karate and Jujitsu program since the 1990s, Sensei Glazer directly impacts the community through clinics as well as on-going Jujitsu classes. She is also a teacher at Concord-Carlisle High School and incorporates her understanding of educational theory to her martial arts instruction.